• info@sreevasavisevasamithi.org
  • +91 9666797993

Welcome to Sree Vasavi Seva Samithi

Sree Vasavi Seva Samithi is establish to gather Vysya Community people from different fields. Sree Vasavi Seva Samithi aims to develop unity, self confidence, Social Justice to all Vysya Community people in Society.
Arya Vysya or Komati is a caste found in Telangana, North Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh states of India. They are known as Agarwals, Mistra, Shetti in North side.
This organization is formed with a vision to help needy people of Arya Vysya Community. The committee aims to arrange various activities and events every year, where the members of the organization meet together, share their ideas for development of Arya Vysya Community.
Step-By-Step we strive to pave the way for our youth to carry on traditional values and lead Arya Vysya Community into the 21st Century. We are grateful to all Arya Vysya Community people, living in India and abroad, who are stretching their helping hands to run this Seva Samithi.
Arya Vysya Seva Samithi is established to unite all Arya Vysya Community people and gather information to form a strong Arya Vysya Seva Samithi to uplift the community people in different fields.
Arya Vysya Seva Samithi aims to develop Self-confidence, Leadership and Social Justice to all Arya Vysya Community people in the society.
To achieve this goal we are, providing these services through our website.

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